We have created a dynamic community to help you with hoof problems, share your successes and learn more with diverse educational opportunities: virtual lectures, online courses, face-to-face hands-on workshops, and for those who want to have the most cutting edge hoof education the Professional Hoofcare Provider Certificate Program.
Our community and courses are pretty special. We’re focused on helping you help the horses in your life.
Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of our ISIH Community:
Participate in our Community Forum: Receive help from our hoof mentors and other motivated hoof enthusiasts in our online community of like-minded individuals by posting photos, asking questions, and commenting on what others share.
Engage in our Community Chat: Connect with other horse enthusiasts around the world through our chat feature, "Horse Chats". Here you can discuss the different techniques, challenges, and joys of using integrative modalities for horse care. This helps foster support and create a network of like-minded caretakers.
Join our Virtual Seminars: Join our face-to-face or virtual events, where guest speakers and horse wellness experts discuss various topics dedicated to whole horse wellness. This interaction enriches your exposure to the latest strategies and ideas in the field.
Learn by Accessing Educational Opportunities: By joining our community, you'll be the first to know when virtual or in-person learning opportunities are launched, ensuring your access before others.